Thursday, February 19, 2009

Persuit of happyness?

Yeah i agree lovely movie!!But are we all in persuit of the happiness quotient in our life?Do we manage to attain it?People who are in quest of this are never happy !There is always something more.I was getting fed up in life.Things seem to be going out of control at work and in general.Then i started comparing and expecting something out of my so called professional life.I remember long long ago i was asked when i was a green fresher .What are your long term dreams??Me: to develop a new software/technology !Now me: wat crap ?WTF am I doing? :D ..Me in college :I want to become a scietist!! Now me:Who cares?...I was wondering if our jobs just become means to an end?Is it all about money,name & fame?Is what is expected of us a roadmap to our life?How did this change happen!Does time really make the distance between goals and expectations less and less?I dont know one fine day we get up and decide enough is enough ,and try and be happy with what we have?(what rubbish).Then how we attain our goals?(if we have any left!)This leaves us in a spinning loop.I am still wondering what the hell happened to change us all from the dreamers with goals to realistic people with no dreams?Is being realistic a path to happiness?possibly no....but then what is?


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Nice thought...
    Well my 2 cents...
    well everyone has its own views n so does me...

    Well, i 2 came upto this thought what is this pursuit of happiness... i think i found an answer to just sharing with you...
    i think enjoying the journey to our goals...its not the enjoyment at the attainment of the goals but its the enjoyment at doing something that we like to do. ...also every goal would lead to a new goal ..but goals are neccesary for a active , interesting and happening life....u r rightly said that...stay commited to ur decision...but be flexible in the should know where to reach but should be flexible in changing its paths to reach that goal as per time...

  2. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Helo Rachna, first of all thanx for those such nice appreciating words on my blog. Such motivation can only bring up artists. You also have got the same potential of writing, in fact i think you have written more than me. Keep it going n be in touch. we might co-publish something in future.

