Thursday, October 16, 2014


       Isn't this how we react by seeing hypocrites! They will be one side and suddenly switch sides based on personal gains.But do you really trust their opinions after that?Ewww...never!Indian politicians are biggest of them all! Now looks like people have woken up from the inertia and changing the thought process.Be the change you want!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


        What does even perception mean ? "the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.".   It  also means an ability to read someone's mental impression! We all would like to think we are highly perceptive people.We know someone as we have boxed them in these boxes.We now become comfortable and we even pat ourselves on the back when they operate as we perceived. We assume that the external world maps perfectly onto our internal view of it—an expectation that is reinforced by daily experience.We are little upset if they don't operate as per our perception. Even zero expectation theory fails in these scenarios.As we just think over and over again that how could i have not perceived this!
      Perception is quite different from preconceived notion, we form perception based on few interactions.Its just that we feel its safer to precept someone and be safe emotionally as we can just shrug it off as "i thought so". Now the fun part comes when person behaves in strange manner out of his/her box.Life's complicated, be it professional or personal , we can't box people and think that now we can lead a simple life.Unless we live as a hermit, its never simple.But, shrugging off every problem as a joke is also not a solution.Perceptions show be allowed to change over time else we risk a boring life.
          Clueless as what my article means now!!I just imagine worst case scenarios and imagine solutions(lol..i think its the side effect of being a wannabe writer).Anyways, i guess now my blog is just a random place for my random musings.Nobody ever reads it (saving paper on a dairy ;) ).I think being open minded and emphatic person is key to a simple life.Also, communicating in a direct way (not rude!!)is the bestest way to live a less  complicated life!

Thursday, October 09, 2014

No pain No gain~

I hide my pain behind my smile,
I am a person without guile,
Crying away is just not my style.
Even if the world turns wile.

Something lost something gained,
That is how sanity is maintained,
Don't waste the life that remain,
Let go of things that make heart pain.

Depressing poem, but somehow i am able to write random poems with rhyming words ;)..Am i turning a poet? :D


      No i am not talking about shadow or reflection.I am talking about reflecting on life, I mostly start this every new year and few days before the birthday.Take a guess what is nearing , its the year end in couple of months. We now start tallying the to do list of this year and try to cram in some of the things we wanted to do!Well, sounds like busy months ahead.
     I planned to get back to driving school!But,haven't gotten around it.Maybe someday soon.I will be registering myself for organ donation.I don't know when and what of this process, while i typed i googled and found this.I am registering right this minute.

    International travel for this year is still pending, i still have 3 months this year, planning and thinking in progress.As per friends it has to be a non tanning vacation as i am getting married next feb!(Ok, i am revealing it here, somehow my fiance seems strangely reluctant to reveal it to his friends, strange are the ways of men!).Getting back on reflecting, professionally i am finally placed in a good place.But, am i enjoying it , that i need to think about.(emmmm...).Sometimes i wonder if jumping companies is good for growth on salary?Anyways, that's just a thought.Sometimes i still wonder, if i had done things differently.But, since i don't look into past much, there is no point in analyzing something which is done and closed.
     So, what else...I didn't do much on NGO..Just enrolled and donated money, but that's not real contribution.Maybe i will do something now.Also, i had one interesting business idea which doesn't need much capital.I am thinking of executing(ok, so i haven't told a single soul about it, they might scoff at it).Planning a wedding is easier as most things are taken care by the hotel.Just worried if things will go as planned?(God, the way engagement went! Indian events tend to somehow never go as planned despite meticulous planning!).That kinda made me lose interest in the wedding event itself, i rather look forward to the life after that event.I think i will write another blog on Indian events and how we tend to go overboard.Now, time to end my musings and get back to business...