Monday, January 01, 2018

Another year

            2017 is a year where i experienced the joy of waking up at midnight to appease a baby :P, was also a year of extreme reflection.We just need to purge the negativity from life and move on .There are things we can and cannot control. A fractured ankle is what reset my equilibrium and mental status. I was in a mode of extreme tension wrt to work. I just realized nobody really cares , work goes on , things don't stop. There will always be office politics. People will always be there to take advantage of your disadvantage , but that's just life.
          A baby certainly adds up to the equation called life. In the moment of extreme wonder , i just ponder on nature, how a tiny being gets your mannerisms and habits. You just cannot plan things to minute details as the baby is ever ready to change them for you.
    Career wise things were going great. Then the baby happened , despite all the feminist , all are equal-ism talks , i realized that they are just that. It certainly impacts , in my case it is a good thing. I am hoping 2018 to be a year of some major change.I need to focus on getting new skills .One of my mentor once said to have a secondary skills which can sustain you in life, i always wanted to do this. I did relearn trading and crypto trading during my break, made some money and plan to continue this.
     I am as usual thankful for the things i have, i am thankful to have a wonderful family and friends. I am thankful to my some wonderful colleagues. My mentors, who constantly make me think.  To that unknown entity called god, who pushes to rocky paths for testing you and making you a better version of yourself. A year passes by and we become more wiser and older . I hope i can strike the right cord on the things i planned, else there is another year :)