Friday, July 10, 2015


         Do you ever feel the guilt of owning a expensive handbag when you pass with it around the road and find few homeless people sitting? That guilt you see a helpless beggar on the street.The gut reaction is a little fear mixed with some guilt.Maybe its not something everyone feels.But as you are human with emotions you are expected to feel something.But why guilt and just not pity? And funnily when we are not real rich of the world like Ambanis and tatas and the Birlas! You worked for it and you spent it.So, why bother about some homeless man who is hungry.But, i always go on instant recall mode and see the huge restaurant bill of thousands where that man could have funded his whole months grocery supply.Or that really expensive branded shirt which could have clothed his whole family.
       I am a nobody who cannot really bring poverty to end.But a conscious choice to help someone in need is something all of have in common.Some of us volunteer their time and some their money.Which leads to a rich mans philanthropic deed which becomes a front page news.But , getting back to the topic of guilt of having unnecessary things and useless baggage of guilt is something maybe we have as its also part of Indian legacy to be compassionate.Its not everyone who feels this,but certainly a majority of people feel it.That is why we have so many blogs and articles about poverty.So, i know these people who genuinely work towards the betterment of society.But, the question here is not about if you invest time and money just out of guilt?
     I would make controversial statement that many do gooders do it for the fame or to suppress the  guilt they are feeling.But i don't know what made me type out this today.Well, living in Delhi i come across many homeless people  and it kinda suppresses my weekend shopping binge.Life is to live , i agree, but won't it be sweeter if you give a bit?

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