Thursday, December 11, 2008

Male v/s female in job scene!

This is a very hot topic as girls are moving ahead of guys in all domains.They are getting in male dominated fields and thriving.But,are they getting their dues for such capability?We all know the answer is "No".It can be from being considered for a promotion or for a hike.They always get sidelined despite giving their 110%. I have seen cases where it has happened to my friends.Even i had a brush with such elements.Can you imagine telling this to fresh college graduate on the first day at new project "i have never worked with a girl before,not sure if i can adjust,and you can actually cope(duh!..wat about my adjustment with a jerk like you).Unbelievelable but true,i am not saying this is happening everywhere,but most of the times it happens.I see very few gals in the promoted list of most companies.I guess someday this will end and we all will happily co-exist.

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