Sunday, January 28, 2007

Are you scared??

"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.

scared....??You may laugh at a major scary movie in history.But my dear you are still scared.Everyone has his/her phobias.But in todays world we are all scared to talk more,eat more,think more!!!Seems like this may even be major glitch in history of mankind to hinder in growth of our civilization.To outsmart someone will hinder your career,now what kind of logic is this. Well this is todays generations major mantra,go where life takes you.Moving with the current is easier than against it!!By thinking i dont mean profound thoughts or highly techie glibber.It only means to think beyond your means. We are so focused or shall i say unfocussed on our golas and career,that we end up being unhappy frustrated people.I am not saying that thats something bad,but focusing on one thing is not such a good idea.Its like when you highly focus sunlight through lens on a paper you end up burning it.So waking up now is a good idea than to burn all your bridges focusing on one thing.

Too often we are scared, scared of what we might not be able to do, scared of what people might think if we tried, we let our fears stand in the way of our hopes. Why? There's really no time to be afraid. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Everything!

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

But to be the best, you must face the best. And to overcome your fear, you must deal with the best.
Barry Bonds

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